随着动态硫化技术的发展,在通用型热塑性弹性体( EPDM/PP TPV) 的基础上,功能型 TPV 材料( 如轮胎用TPV、医用TPV 等) 的开发制备也成为该领域的研究热点。
热塑性弹性体,简称TPE或TPR,是Thermoplastic rubber的缩写。是常温下具有橡胶的弹性,高温下具有可塑化成型的一类弹性体。热塑性弹性体的结构特点是由化学键组成不同的树脂段和橡胶段,树脂段凭借链间作用力形成物理交联点,橡胶段是高弹性链段,贡献弹性。塑料段的物理交联随温度的变化而呈可逆变化,显示了热塑性弹性体的塑料加工特性。因此,热塑性弹性体具有硫化橡胶的物理机械性能和热塑性塑料的工艺加工性能,是介于橡胶与树脂之间的一种新型高分子材料,常被人们称为第三代橡胶。
自从1958 年Bayer公司制备出热塑性聚氨酯( TPU) 以来,TPE就得到了迅速发展,尤其是1963年苯乙烯类热塑性弹性体问世以后,关于热塑性弹性体的制备理论逐步得到完善,应用领域进一步扩大。
6. New thermoplastic vulcanized rubber TPV
Ho dezenvolvimentu teknolojia vulcanizasaun dinamiku, dezenvolvimentu no preparasaun ba materials TPV functional (hanesan TPV ba tires, TPV médicu, etc.) bazeia ba elastomers thermoplastic universál (EPDM/PP TPV) ne'e mós sai ba ema ida istraživu hotu2 iha felt ne'e.
Termoplastic elastomer, abbreviated hanesan TPE ka TPR, ne'e hanesan abbreviation ba Thermoplastic rubber. Burası bir tipi elastomer gibi, 2.3 'in oda sıcaklığında ve plasticizable yüksek temperatura'da gösterir. The structural characteristic of thermoplastic elastomers is that they consist of different resin and rubber segments composed of chemical bonds. The resin segment forms physical cross-linking points through the inter chain force, while the rubber segment is a highly elastic chain segment that contributes to elasticity. Akontrolu fíziku kona-basegmentu plastic ne'e hatudu mudansa inversivel ho temperatura, ne ' ebé indika karakterístika plastic prosesu ba elastomeru thermoplastic. Tanba ne'e, elastomeru thermoplastic iha properties fíziku no mekaniku kona ba rubber vulcanized no hirak ne'e processing properties husi plastics thermoplastic. sira mak tipu polymer foun ida kona-ba materiál polymer entre rubber no resin, ne ' ebé hakanyi tuir hau nia fuan jerál.
Dezde produsaun polyurethane thermoplastic (TPU) husi Kompania Bayer iha tinan 1958, TPE dezenvolve tiha ona rapidamente, liu-liu hahú husi introdusaun styrene bazeia ba elastomers thermoplastic iha tinan 1963. Preparasaun theory kona-ba elastomers thermoplastic ona gradually tiha ona, no lau sira-nia aplikasaun mak aumenta ona.
uza prinsipál thermoplastic elastomers.
Thermoplastic elastomer mak tipu polymeru ida ne'e kualkér entre wainhira no hahalok. Ida bele fasilita ne'e de'it rubel, maibe mós modifika plastics. Iha kultura Thermoplastic elastomers iha properties rua husi ruble no plastic no nasaun, ne ' ebé halo sira halekar uza iha industria ruble no balun hodi halo prodústria nesesidade hotu-hotu hanesan shoes ruble no tapeta, no produtu industriale oin-oin hanesan pipe, buat, strip, plate no komponente.